

The Artistic Research Archive contains short descriptions of the projects that have received a grant from the funds allocated by the funding program for Artistic Research by the Ministry of Culture Denmark since the funding programme was established in 2013. The Archive provides you with an insight into previous and on-going individual projects, and an overview of all the topics and diverse knowledge that Artistic Research covers across the institutions for higher artistic education. Under the individual projects, there are references to additional material, publications, concerts etc. You can search the archive based on the various criteria below and you can read more about the Artistic Research Funding Programme here.

Immersive technologies in performing arts
Echoes from the torn down fourth wall
Currents: Oceanic Cosmologies, Sustainability, Commons, and Infrastructures of Compassion
Rhythmic design, embodiment and intuition
Sound Art as Perceptive Performance
The music producer as artistic co-creator
Roads to the future stages of classical music
Reconstructive Opera
Site Uncertain: New ways of understanding site specificity, from an artistic, curatorial and educational perspective
Do we create enough space for mistakes within the film system?
Den kunstneriske leders roller og relationer i samskabende projekter – projektmodning om kontekst, metode og samarbejdspartnere
Expansion of the possible, art and recognition in the Anthropocene
Virtual presence in a theatre production
Imagining (the imagination of) the Other – a choreographic enquiry
Book, (art)work and materiality, part II
Traversing Sonic Territories
12 Musicians from Another Place
Health care performances – artistic awareness, sensitivity and interaction
Health Care Performances – artistic awareness, sensitivity and interaction
Programming the Tools of Photography
Transformative Reflections
Rooms of resonance
Texture and Form in Composing for Large Ensemble of Improvisors
The Electroacoustic Experience
Conceptual practices from visual arts as a method in theater
Conceptual practices from visual arts as a methods in theater
In dialogue with Bach
Augmented Reality (AR) in theatre
Semper Plus Ultra/always further beyond
Lunar Concrete – regolith extraction from outer space and 3D printing on the moon and in mud on earth
How does it make sense?
Video sketches as a basic artistic tool.
The Carousel Concept: A practice of life in performing arts
Sonic Complexion
The carousel concept: a practice of life in performing arts
Book, (art)work and materiality, part I
Musical Text Work
Narrative spaces – immersive audio
Quintet project