WHAT SOUNDS DO: New Directions in an Anthropology of Sound
13 Sept. – 16 Sept. 2022
Place: Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen, Leo Mathisens Vej 1, 1437 Copenhagen
Organizer: Sound Studies Lab at Department Arts & Cultural Studies – in collaboration with the Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen
Sounds are ever present: They continue to envelop and move through you and me in every single moment. But what agencies drive those sounds, what sort of personae are performed, in historical periods as well as today or in the near future? What social relations occur as a result of sound? And how might our embodied experiences and sensibilities create new bodies of knowledge?
To which forms of experiences with our bodies, with objects, within social relations and with peculiar situations and sensibilities might this lead? Which sonic fictions escort us and how do we listen with our sonic corpus?
In this four-day conference, researchers from the Sound Studies Lab at UCPH and international scholars such as Andrey Smirnov, Jordan Lacey, and artists like Niels Lynne Løkkegaard invite you to explore these questions of an anthropology of sound.
The conference includes keynote lectures by Salomé Voegelin and Dylan Robinson, research workshops by Jenny Gräf Sheppard, Ania Mauruschat, and Giada Dalla Bontà, sound works and performances as well as roundtable discussions that contribute to the work on an Encyclopedia of Sound Studies, currently conceived by Michael Bull, Holger Schulze, and Jennifer Stoever.
Join us, the Sound Studies Lab, into these sonic experiments of sensing and thinking.
Program and registration here.,