Just Do It – exploring the musician’s use of bodily performance
Accordeonisten Andreas Borregaard præsenterer her to solo performanceværker knyttet til hans ph.d.-projekt i kunstnerisk forskning ved Norges Musikkhøgskole.
Projektet har titlen ”Just Do It – exploring the musician’s use of bodily performance” og afsluttes efter planen i november 2022.
Louise Alenius/Andreas Borregaard: Relationer (2021)
Philip Venables/Ted Huffman: My favourite piece is the Goldberg Variations (2021)
Torsdag d. 12 maj 2022, klokken 11.00-12.15
Studiescenen, Rosenørns Allè 22, Frb. C
Fri entre
Louise Alenius/Andreas Borregaard: Relationer
I dette værk opdages, undersøges, afprøves og afvises relationer. Mellem komponisten og musikeren, mellem musikeren og værket, mellem kroppen og instrumentet, mellem mennesket og dyret.
Philip Venables/Ted Huffman: My favourite piece is the Goldberg Variations
My favourite piece is the Goldberg Variations is based on interviews with Susanne Borregaard (mother of accordionist Andreas Borregaard) conducted during the summer lockdown of 2020.
Andreas approached me about writing a piece involving extended performativity beyond simply playing the accordion. I was drawn to the idea of the accordionist as storyteller, almost in the troubadour sense. We met with writer Ted Huffman in Berlin to speak about Andreas’ own life and work, which in turn led to interviews with his mother over Skype.
My work with Ted often uses verbatim text and this piece continues our exploration of queer histories. From this interview material, we formed eleven snapshots of a life over seven decades.
Foto: Niels Borregaard/Pierre Martin