Connect/Cut. Infrastructures and collective activity


Connect/Cut. Infrastructures and collective activity

The conference Connect/Cut explores the infrastructures that mediate space, time, visibility, and access in the arts and beyond.

Registration is now open for the conference “Connect/Cut. Infrastructures and Collective Activity” at University of Copenhagen South Campus on April 6-8. Please register now to join three days of sharing, discussing, and critical thinking about the conditions of doing things together. Keynote speakers: Siegfried Zielinski, Carolina Rito and Shannon Mattern.

If artworks come about through collective activity within “art worlds”, as American sociologist Howard Becker describes, this means that the production, reception, and distribution of any form of art is (also) a matter of social concern connected very concretely to the sensuous realities of everybody. With ongoing discussions on the need for rethinking the protocols and classifications regulating museums, (digital) archives, collections, and public spaces to better reflect the concerns of diverse populations, this focus on art as a social, material and foremost collective activity, is as urgent now as in 1982. This conference insists on the importance of ongoing interdisciplinary discussions of how such activity is imbricated in spatial, temporal, formal and distributive networks that can all be analyzed under the heading of infrastructure.

Read more about the conference.
