Aesthetic Relations – online conference


Aesthetic Relations – online conference

The global pandemic has caused unprecedented regulations of the choreography of our everyday lives. Attention has been drawn to the intimate relations we form with people and things; to the delimitations of public spaces; and to the very air we breathe. In parallel with the threat of viruses and the constraints of lockdowns, the protests of Black Lives Matter along with anti-racist movements overthrowing statues of colonial and imperial history, have shown the necessity of reconfiguring spatio-temporal relations – also within the aesthetic field.

Today, as we continue to be faced with a global pandemic that challenges established social forms and reinforces inequities of classed and gendered hierarchies and imperial racism, the complicity of aesthetic representations powering such structures is becoming increasingly obvious. On this backdrop, we have asked accomplished colleagues from across disciplines to reconsider the concept and power of aesthetic relations.

Programme, further details and registration

Booklet with abstracts (pdf)

The conference is organized by Solveig Daugaard, Rasmus Holmboe, Mathias Overgaard and Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt from the New Carlsberg Foundation research centre Art as Forum, University of Copenhagen.
