Habitable Exomusics

More on the project
Jacob Anderskov
Rhythmic Music Conservatory
2014 - 2015

Habitable Exomusics

More on the project

The project explored post-tonal structuring principles, investigating untapped potential for new modes of expression within improvisational music by exploring possible ways of organising musical material – and by engaging with relevant practical and creative ways of making room for them within improvised music.

Interested parties could follow the project’s development at Anderskov’s blog at RMC (contains multiple links)

Artistically, the project yielded a trilogy of albums: http://jacobanderskov.dk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/JA_Habitable_Exomusics_TheTrilogy_Press_UK.pdf

Kinetics (The Path), https://soundcloud.com/jacobanderskov/sets/kinetics-the-path-habitable

Statics (The Map), https://soundcloud.com/jacobanderskov/sets/statics-the-map-habitable-exomusics-volume-ii

Dynamics (The Terrain), https://soundcloud.com/jacobanderskov/sets/dynamics-the-terrain-habitable-exomusics-volume-iii

The project has been international peer reviewed and can be seen here: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/397815/397816

Jacob Anderskov
Rhythmic Music Conservatory
2014 - 2015